Local commercial documents with perfin “ADAM” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 4 +4 = 8 øre, which was the rate for local commercial documents from April 1st 1922 to February 29th 1928. The stamp is cancelled October 6th 1926 with a Whole letter cancelation machine type SP.4B. 2 V Bro.IV.
A12 Adams Express Co.
Adams transport company
Bernstoffsvej 19 (from year 1928 Danasvej)
???? København V (from year 1928, 1910 Fredriksberg C)

GPD.Jn.IIIA 05.1917. Nr. ??
“ADAM” has been seen used in the period from September 1917 to November 1951
10 11 10 15
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Adams Transport company was founded in 1884 by Rasmus Ingwersen in Copenhagen, it’s still existing.
Below, the build there is inside the letter. Chamberlain Treschow has been remodeled in 3 1/2 hours by 2 men for 15,75 kr