A35 A/S Kastrup Glasværk

Domestic post card with perfin “A. K.G.” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 12 øre, which was the rate for domestic ost card from  July 1st 1902 to June 30th 1919. The stamp is cancelled September 27th 1956 with TMS nr. 143.7 København K.

A 02 A/S Kastrup Glasværk

A/S Kastrup Glasværk
Nørrevoldgade 12
1358 København K

 “A. K.G.” has been seen used in the period from January 1911 to December 1957



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

A/S Kastrup Glasværk was founded in 1847, later they was overtaken by Holmegårds glasværk. The production ended in 1979.