International letter with perfin “APM” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 5 x 8 øre = 40 øre, which was the rate for international letters from February 1st 1921 to October 30th 1925. The stamp is cancelled September 7th 1922 with a whole letter cancellation machine Tp. SP. 4B.K K.3 Bro V.
A 53 A. P. Møller
A. P. Møller
Kongens Nytorv 8
1050 København K

GPD: Nr. 9454 af 06.1916
“APM” has been seen used in the period from September 1916 to June 1984
10 9 15
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Arnold Peter Møller was the founder of two Shipping Companies A/S Dampskibsselskabet Svendborg og Dampskibsselskabet of 1912 A/S. today it’s one of the worlds biggest shipping companies known as Maersk.