Proves of the users of Danish perfins.

On this page you find my entire collection of Danish postal shipments, all with Perforated Stamps. The meaning is to prove which company was the user of the specific Perfin. All numbers refer to the Catalogue of Danish Perfins 2012 + updates. It is also my intention to display different types of postal shipment, cancellations stamps, rates, company history etc. You can search in the database by free text or by predefined filters in the menu on the left side.
At the moment my collection contains proves for 750 of the more than 1000 Danish Perfin.
In the menu “Perforators” to the left you also find descriptions for a couple of perforators which also are in my collection.
In the menu “Latest upload” to the right you will see some of the most interesting and latest uploaded proves, just “click” on the Green/Underscored text to see more.
You are very welcome to contact me with comments to my webpage or to the single posts. I’m always looking for new items to my collection, so if you are interested in selling or swapping items or collections which you think could have my interest, kindly send me an e-mail.