Parcel send by ferry with perfin “53” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 1 kr + 50  øre = 150 øre, 21 øre each 10 kg (7 x 21 øre = 147 øre) was the rate for parcels send by ferry Fanø in the period from May 1st 1955 to July 31th 1959. The stamp is cancelled November 7th 1958 with Fanø – Esbjerg Færgefart.

CIF 07 Esbjerg Andelsslagteri

Esbjerg Andelsslagteri

6700 Esbjerg

“53” has been seen used in the period from October 1956 to July 1984


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Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.