Domestic letter with perfin “70 and 71” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 50 + 10 øre = 60 øre, which was the rate for domestic letters in the period from July 3rd 1967 to June 30th 1972. The stamps are cancelled May 25th 1971 with TMS Neutral Virum ***. It’s the prove for the latest known use of “70”
CIF 09 and 10 Smith & Nephew Scandinavia
A/S Smith & Nephew Scandinavia
Skodsborgvej 48
2830 Virum

“70” has been seen used in the period from February 1970 to May 1971

“71” has been seen used in the period from January 1971 to June 1972
7 10 and 7 8
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
No history yet.