Local letter with perfin “7016” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as printed matter with 2 øre, which was the rate for local printed matters from December 1st 1905 to October 31th 1917. The stamp is cancelled March 12th 1913 with a whole letter cancellation machine Tp. SP. 4B. B B 1 Bro III. This letter proves the earliest date of use for “7016”

CIF 14 Reklamebureauet Sylvester Hvid

Sylvester Hvid
Reklame Bureauet
Nygade 7
1164 København K

GPD: 16708 af 12.1913

“7016”has been seen used in the period from March 1914 to December 1921


9 12 6 12

Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.