Domestic letter with perfin Logo in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with  2 x 5 = 10 øre, which was the rate for domestic letters in the period from July 1st 1902 to September 31th 1919. The stamp is cancelled March 29th 19215 with Odense Jernbaneekspedition Nr. 4a Odense *JB.P.E. Bro IIa

Fig 13 Det forenede Dampskibs-Selskab A/S

Det forenede Dampskibs-Selskab A/S
Expeditionen i Odense
5000 Odense

GPD: 3393 af 05.1883

This Logo has been seen used in the period from January 1888 to December 1967



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.