International parcel letter with perfin “G in the stamp. The letter is not franked correctly with 157 øre, the rate for international parcels to Greenland in the period from May 1st 1955 to April 14th 1957 was 160 øre, 3 øre is missing. The stamp is cancelled June 17th 1959 TMS Nr. 115.30 København OMK. 15

This parcel has been shipped with M/S “Annettes” owned by “Sulten Sørensens” shipping company in Svendborg på dennes 2nd trip in 1957.

G 04 Jul. Gjellerups boghandel

Jul. Gjellerups boghandel
Sølvgade 87
1307 København K

“G” has been seen used in the period from January 1956 to March 1972



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.