Domestic letter with perfin “K.G.” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 10 + 10  øre = 20 øre, which was the rate for domestic letters in the period from July 1st 1902 to September 30th 1919. The stamp is cancelled July 25th 1908 with København B Nr.92, Kjøbenhavn B.B.B. Bro Ia-2

The “upper stamp” in the pair has a mark from the plate across the R in Danmark (Save Number 54/11) and the “lower stamp” has a mark in the lower right corner from the plate also (Afa number 54t, pos 21)

K 25 Københavns Grundejerbank.

Kjøbenhavns Grundejerbank’s Sundby afdeling
Amagerbrogade 190
2300 København S

“K.G.” has been seen used in the period from November 1905 to April 1914



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.