Power of attorney with perfin “K.H.” in the stamps. The document is franked correctly with 4 x 25 øre = 100 øre, which was the rate for power of attorney from March 1st 1921 to ca. 1968. The stamp is cancelled June 1st 1951 with København 30 Nr. 9 , København 30.3 Bro Vc. The perforation of this  “4 – stribe” of stamps indicate that the perforator was with at least 4 matrices, there are exactly the same distance af placement in the 4 stamps.

K 30 A/S Københavns Handelsbank

A/S Kjøbenhavns Handelsbank
Nørrebro Afdelling
2200 København N

“K.H.” has been seen used in the period from July 1950 to October 1957



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.