International letter with perfin “S.L.S.” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 20 + 10 ører = 30 øre, which was the rate for international letters 20 to 40 g in the period from October 1st 1907 to January 31th 1921. The stamps are cancelled April 17th 1915 with Bro III Odense – Svendborg (railway). This is the only known prove of S.L.S. perfin and also the earliest known use of S.L.S.

S 43 Sydfynske Landmænds Smørexport

The Farmers of South Funen Butter export Association

5700 Svendborg

“S.L.S.” has been seen used in the period from April 1915 to October 1915



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.