Domestic post card with perfin "D.S.I." in the stamp. The post card is franked correctly as printed matter with 7 [...]

K17 Ravnholm Manufacturing Company A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2020-12-30T12:30:56+01:00International parcel with perfin "KE." in the stamps. The parcel letter is not franked correctly with 5 + 1 kr [...]

S24 Statens forstlige Forsøgsvæsen
Morten Mikkelsen2020-11-22T15:23:11+01:00Domestic letter with perfin "S.F.F." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 4,75 kr, which was the rate [...]
S55 A/S Schou Ravnholm
Morten Mikkelsen2020-10-18T14:25:56+02:00International letter with perfin "S.T." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 40 øre, which was the rate [...]