Domestic parcel letter with perfin “G.B.” in the stamp. The parcel is franked correctly with 20 + 3 kr = 23 kr, which was the rate for domestic parcel letters in the period from January 15th 1990 to June 10th 1990. The stamp is cancelled April 26th 1990 with Bro IId Aarhus *
G 08 Gyldendalske Boghandel
Gyldendals bogklub.
Pilestræde 51
1001 København K

“G.B.” has been seen used in the period from October 1924 until now.
Known positions
* | * | * | * |
* | * | * | * |
Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag A/S, usually referred to simply as Gyldendal is a Danish publishing house.
Founded in 1770 by Søren Gyldendal, it is the oldest and largest publishing house in Denmark, offering a wide selection of books including fiction, non-fiction and dictionaries. Prior to 1925, it was also the leading publishing house in Norway, and it published all of Henrik Ibsen’s works. In 1925, a Norwegian publishing house named Gyldendal Norsk Forlag (“Gyldendal Norwegian Publishing House”) was founded, having bought rights to Norwegian authors from Gyldendal.
Gyldendal is a public company and its shares are traded on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (Nasdaq Copenhagen: GYLD A, GYLD B).
Gyldendal stopped the print version of their encyclopedia in 2006, focusing instead on selling paid subscriptions for its online encyclopedia, Den Store Danske. By 2008 it had decided that it needed another approach to support that online site. Since February 2009 Gyldendal is publishing an online, subscription-free encyclopedia.